Published inThe StartupCaching Layer with Mongoose Using PrototypeA Clean and Generic Approach for Caching MongoDB Data Using Mongoose Prototype on Node Service/ApplicationJul 30, 2024Jul 30, 2024
Published inThe StartupBuild Variants on Expo React Native AppCustomizing Builds for Every Use Case (e.g., dev, staging, production)Mar 1, 20241Mar 1, 20241
Published inThe StartupCustom Plugins for Expo ApplicationExtend your expo applications beyond any limitations!Feb 10, 2024Feb 10, 2024
Published inThe StartupSimplifying State Management: Exploring Zustand as an Alternative to Context and Redux(maybe?)One of the main benefits of using a state management library is it gives us more control over state management and allows us to rerender…Nov 9, 2023Nov 9, 2023
Published inBetter ProgrammingClean API Call With React HooksMake API calls more consistent throughout the whole application with concise, clean, and reusable codeNov 19, 20219Nov 19, 20219
Published inBetter ProgrammingThe Mindset to Deal With Rejection From the Company You Admire“Fall down seven times, get up eight.” — Japanese ProverbNov 29, 2020Nov 29, 2020
Published inThe StartupPrototypical Inheritance in JavascriptIn Javascript we don’t have classes, rather we only have objects. So if we want to implement inheritance with objects we can get the help…Sep 2, 20201Sep 2, 20201
Published inThe StartupProperty Descriptor in JavascriptHave you ever heard the term Property Descriptor during the time you have been working with javascript? To be a better javascript…Jul 26, 20202Jul 26, 20202
Published inBetter ProgrammingMiddleware in Express ApplicationsIt’s not nearly as complicated as it soundsJul 22, 2020Jul 22, 2020
Published inThe StartupComposition or Inheritance, Which One Do You Prefer?Inheritance is a great principle in object oriented programming where we can reuse code. But we have to be careful when using it because…Jul 7, 2020Jul 7, 2020